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Writer's pictureCoach Camara


Do you truly respect yourself?

No, honestly.

What do you think about yourself?

Let me tell you about the time in my life when I started to gain a higher level of self-respect.

Maybe it will be of interest to you.

When I was younger, in year 10, I made the decision to smash my GCSE's

Intellectually, I am very talented.

But I was underachieving in school, relative to my ability.

I was still getting A's, B's and C's, but I should have been getting A*'s and A's, for example.

But one day, something just dawned on me.


I need to step my fucking game up and get to work.

This is serious now, I'm not a child anymore... my performance here dictates my future.

And I just became relentless in my pursuit of success.

I went into hibernation, didn't see my friends for the best part of a year, and spent all of my free time training for football, and sitting in my bedroom revising.

The playstation got fucked off.

TV got fucked off.

Everything went into work.

"Work is all we have" @ross_teamprocoach

And guess what happened?

GCSE's got their head smashed in.

Which is great obviously,

But I need you to understand that this moment was PIVOTAL in my life.

I said I was going to do something, and I did it.

And I started to earn respect for myself.

Up until that point, I'd been doing okay...

But I could never have 100% trust in myself that I was going to execute the task.

I said I would,

And then sometimes I did.

But sometimes I'd get distracted and go and do some other shit instead of studying.

I was a slave to my impulses.

I was unable to reach my potential due to a lack of discipline.

I was weak.

Or rather, the clarity around my goals was too weak for me to be driven enough.

But when I started to tick the boxes every single day, see progression, and eventually achieved insane results...

My level of self-respect went up.

Because I showed myself that I can do what most others can't.

Follow through...

Do you follow through with what you say you're going to do?

Do you think you'd respect yourself more if you stopped being mediocre?

Maybe if you decided to take your physique to the next level, you would have the opportunity to increase respect you hold for yourself.

Would you agree?

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