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Writer's pictureCoach Camara

A short story

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

I have something pretty cool for you to think about.

It's something I realised one day when I was 14 years old.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had just finished school, and earlier in the day I'd had a fight with some little muppet.

Smashed his head in.

And I was absolutely fuming still, hours later.

I was walking the dog and this realisation just nailed me in the face.

And the way I look at life has never been the same since.

Here's the lesson:

Emotions are there for a reason, they have a purpose.

On the surface, that's pretty obvious, I know.

So let me explain further.

Life gifts us so much control these days, that sometimes we forget about the NUMBER 1 law of the universe.

Cause and effect.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and all of that.

"Some things you cannot control. Some things you can. The skill is understanding the difference between the two."

You may have heard that quote (paraphrasing) before. Quite famous.

I agree with it.

But I think an even deeper skill (which very few possess) is the ability to understand WHY something happened.

Understanding WHAT you can/can't control is hugely important, but understanding WHY you can/can't control it is empowering.

All too often as humans, we forget that we're actually animals. We're just a bit cleverer than most of the other ones on this planet, so we seem to think we're superior.

When in actuality, we're still slaves to our DNA.

We're products of evolution.

We're designed to thrive...

And as a result, we have some pretty cool shit going on in our brains that creates emotions in order to help us navigate and dominate in this realm we called Earth.

And this is often out of our control.

Did somebody kill your family?

Best believe mother nature is going to ensure that you feel some emotions about that.

Did you get sacked because you're a pathetic failure?

Yeah, you're gonna feel pretty shitty about that.

And it's actually really important that you do feel that way!

So that you do something about it.

If you were content with these things happening, you probably wouldn't last very long tbh.

So understand this...

You can't control how you feel.

But it's your duty to understand WHY.

The emotions you feel are not there for a laugh.

They're there for a fucking reason.

They're trying to tell you something.

If you feel like a sack of shit, guess what?

You are.

If you feel embarrassed about your body, guess what?

You should feel that way.

And that's okay. It's normal.

It's not a bad thing.

It doesn't mean you hate yourself, it simply means that you're being honest with yourself.

Your brain is trying to tell you something!

It's screaming "Hey, sort your shit out man! We can do better than this!"

There is no point in being in denial.

If you're unhappy, you need to be honest and authentic with yourself.

You need to explore WHY you're unhappy.

And only then will you be able to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to change your life for the better.

Listen to your emotions people... they're trying to tell you something.

Jack and I actually spoke about this in our most recent podcast episode.

We discussed how to create a solid, honest relationship with yourself... vital if you want to thrive in this realm we call Earth.

If you want to give it a listen CLICK HERE. Speak soon, Isaac

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